Michael Ley
Ley Insurance Agency
Lima, OH
Would you recommend TrustedChoice.com to other agents?
“Absolutely, I think it also sets you apart from other agents as well, you know just the word trusted is out there when [consumers] are Google searching… TrustedChoice[.com] is going to be out there, and it’s visible – and if we’re there for that consumer on that list… by all means, it’s worth the investment.”
Exclusively for Big “I” members, TrustedChoice.com is the #1 online resource for connecting insurance buyers with independent insurance agents. We rank high in Google search results and have had over 30 million insurance shoppers visit TrustedChoice.com. Become a recommended agency on TrustedChoice.com today. Learn more.
Company Partners: Safeco, Liberty Mutual, Salina Insurance, Guard Insurance
Keywords: business insurance, specific industry: auto dealership, specific industry: church, premium amount: $8,200, ROI, recommend, stand out, visibility, leads