The Ratings and Reviews feature on your profile gathers and displays positive feedback about your agency. Here’s how it works and how you can solicit more reviews for your profile and view the results.
Why are reviews important?
It’s a fact: 97% of consumers read online reviews when selecting local businesses. So when a consumer researches your company and sees other people saying great things about you, they are more likely to contact you. It’s called social proof. The ratings you receive on your profile will be displayed in search engine results, making you stand out in search results to consumers. Not only that, but Google favors companies with ratings and the reviews gathered through your profile will give you more SEO street cred. In other words, your profile page will rank higher in search engines than other local companies without ratings.
How do I get reviews?
Insurance shoppers who view your profile on have the opportunity to leave a review. But you can bolster your agency rating by proactively asking your customers to rate you. It’s easier than you think! Log in to your account and navigate to the Ratings menu item. Then, copy the sharing link and paste into your email footer or as part of a customer outreach campaign.
What if I get negative reviews?
It happens. But, rest assured that all reviews received through your profile go through an internal review process before being published. Only favorable reviews are shared publicly. The others are saved and accessible in your account so you can read the feedback and address any concerns.
How do I see all the reviews I’ve received?
You can see all the ratings you’ve received through your profile in your account. Log in and navigate to the Ratings menu item. You’ll see a list of all the ratings that have come through for your agency, along with the status.